D&D: Watch as the two zombies that entered the room kill them

From Create Your Own Story

The skeletal hands groping your big boobs are driving you insane with lust, and with the goons on the other side of the room you are just about to use some magic to command the hands to let you go when you notice a couple zombies enter the room right near where you are.

You remain perfectly still, the only movement coming from your breasts as they are groped around , one of the zombies standing next to you looks at you and turns away and they both head to the other side of the room.

You realize that as long as you are bound by the wall trap the zombies will ignore you, or perhaps it's because you are not trying to steal their treasure but you can not be sure. So you willingly remain stuck to the wall by a dozen skeletal grasping hands just in case.

The zombies reach the bandits and a great battle erupts.

What happens next:

D&D: The looters win

D&D: The zombies win

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