D&D: Let him think he's won and attack later

From Create Your Own Story

Standing there naked with your hands bound behind your back while a pair of disembodied hands gropes your breasts wasn't how you planned this battle to go, but you have to wait a bit for the right time to strike. The mage looks you up and down with a huge grin on his face and turns to go into the far room.

"Wait till you see what I have planned for you, bring her!" he said.

At this point the hands stop massaging your breasts and each grabs a nipple and pulls, you have no choice but to follow him. Walking into the room lead by your nipples they pull you over to the corner of the room and turn you around and down forcing you to your knees. The mage then wheels a small wooden contraption over to you.

This contraption has you in a kneeling position, one part looking kinda like a stocks however instead of your head and hands going through it, it's got room for your hands and breasts to stick through, on the other side there are pulleys and gears and a wheel, kinda like one you'd find on a rack but smaller. The hands pull your breasts through the holes and tie a small loop of string around each nipple. So at this point you are kneeling in the corner facing the mage with your big boobs sticking through holes in a plank of wood with string tied to each nipple, the string leading into a series of pulleys and gears. With your hands magically bound behind your back, you could release yourself with the command word, however your breasts are trapped in the machine for the time being.

The mage looks at you and smiles "I hope you like my invention, I made it specifically to torture certain prisoners and it seems to fit you just right" he dismisses the magical hands and kneels down in front of you "It works just like a rack, but instead of stretching the victims body out, it pulls on other sensitive parts till the victim talks" with that he cranks the wheel a few notches and the result is to pull on your nipples yanking your breasts farther into the device. "too bad I don't need any information from you, guess you will just have to see how much I enjoy doing this" he cranks the wheel a few more notches.

He then gets up and walks over to a table on the other side of the room, his back is to you......

Do you:

D&D: Free yourself and strike from behind

D&D: Negotiate with him for your freedom

D&D: He continues to play with you and you like it

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