D&D: Investigate the papers on the table

From Create Your Own Story

You walk up to the small table and see what you thought was a small stack of papers, but it's more like a couple page long pamphlet that describes alternative means of torturing someone to get information, specifically how to get information out of a female captive without permanently harming her by exhausting her sexually. Some of the ways are quite descriptive and you get a little warm thinking about it. Now you know what the item in the center of the room is for and you don't really want to experience it for yourself. You have picked up the pamphlet and at some point while you were reading the pamphlet you start to talk out loud like you sometimes do without realizing it.

You also discover a few command words for some unknown magic items scribbled in the margin of one of the papers. You know they are command words because when you speak the second word of the three the pamphlet falls to the floor as the bracelets you are wearing magically compel you to put your hands behind your back, thrusting your large tits forward. The bracelets click together at the small of your back and you find yourself effectively bound, you are also startled by a male voice behind you. "Yes, she said the word, this is going to be fun" spinning around you see a spirit appear and feel a slap on your behind. Looking over your shoulder you see another one.

You still have time to make it out the door, they may be bound to this room.

Do you:

D&D: Make a dash for the hallway and make it

D&D: Make a dash for the hallway and fail

D&D: Stay and talk to the ghosts

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