D&D: Free yourself and strike from behind

From Create Your Own Story

This is just the moment you have been waiting for, you speak the command word and your bracelets release from behind your back. He spins around startled just in time to catch a lightning bolt square in the chest. The bolt burns a huge hole through his chest and he dies instantly, now that your tormentor is gone and you have your hands free you still need to get your boobs out of this torture device. The pull is too strong to untie the string, so you try and reach the catch on the wheel but it's on the wrong side. You could turn the wheel a few more notches and then you'd be able to reach the release catch on it, however you realize that you'd be torturing your own breasts.

Decisions, decisions......

Do you:

D&D: Turn the wheel yourself to gain your freedom

D&D: Try and turn the wheel but remain trapped

D&D: Act helpless as a goblin walks into the room

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