Critical Role - Grog - Apologise to Shayne In Courtyard After Shredding Clothes

From Create Your Own Story

Shayne’s cold stare brings to you memories of Vex wearing this same expression. It normally didn’t go very well when you answered back, so you figure that she wants an apology for getting carried away.

“I’m sorry for nearly killing you and making you walk around in the nudie” you say with a slight bow. As you bend forward on the bench, Shayne’s eyes once again dart to your crotch as your legs part slightly, giving a better view of your member through the material. She bit her lip slightly as she unconsciously began slowly rubbing her thighs together.

“Well, I’ll be needing some compensation for my clothing. What have you got?” She asked as a small smile began to form.

“Can, pin, statue? I don’t have any of those I’m afraid”, you reply with a frown on your face.

Shayne’s eyebrow raises a bit further as she lets out a slight giggle. “Well then, we should find something else that you can give me then. Maybe we should find somewhere a bit quieter for you to give it to me.”

You sit for a moment as you think about what she could mean. Did she want gold? Maybe she wanted your clothes since you had taken hers? It then finally clicked what she was asking when you finally noticed her looking at your large bulge. She wanted to give you a ladyfavour! She had wanted to go somewhere to do it though. Where would be the best place to go?

Your character is:
Grog Strongjaw

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