Continue to your doctor's appointment

From Create Your Own Story

You walk quickly and you are able to outpace the wolf due to your size difference. Soon he is left behind and you are at the door to your doctor's office. You check your phone for the time and see that you are five minutes late. This has been your primary care physician for years, so a few minutes shouldn't be a big deal. You stroll up to the desk and address the receptionist, a frumpy looking middle aged skunk in nurse scrubs.

"Put your name on the line and wait until you're called." she says, without looking up. You sigh and do as she says, you're pretty sure she hasn't once looked up in all the years you've been coming here. Oh well. You take a seat in the back of the waiting room. It isn't busy, you just like sitting near the window and watching the street. There is a door in the corner and a magazine rack with copies of Highlights for kids, People Magazine, and a number of backdated car or home and garden magazines. You choose street watching over the magazines.

Every few minutes you look up and wonder what is taking so long. There are only two other people in the waiting room with you and they both look asleep. You are daydreaming as you stare out the window and must be having a sexy fantasy because you faintly hear "Oh yes...harder!" and a number of grunts. You shake your head to clear it, but you still hear the noises. You look around, but nobody has moved from their positions. Either they are ignoring it or can't hear it. You swivel your ears to more accurately pinpoint the sound and find that it's coming from the door next to you. By the layout of the building, you figure that door must lead to the back offices of the clinic.

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:

Shirt, Slacks, House Keys, Subway Card, Wallet, Cell Phone

Gender Male
Species Equine
Personal tools