College Girls / Point out that maybe now would be a good time to put on some protection

From Create Your Own Story

You break your kiss with Emily. "I have a condom with me in my bag... I think I should probably put it on before we go any farther."

Emily is shocked for a moment, and her face turns ever so slightly red. "I wasn't even thinking about that!" She finally laughs, "I'm glad you said something. Please do!"

You both stand up; you go over to your bag and pull out a condom. Emily takes it out of your hands and unwraps it. She then makes an "O" with her lips and sets the condom between them. Kneeling down she pushes the condom over your cock and slips it down your shaft until it has completely covered your penis.

Emily then stands up and kisses you... you can feel her press her pussy again up against your cock.

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