Christmas Story Games / Summon Lancer

From Create Your Own Story

Christmas Story Games

Konner's Game: Part 5/5


The Story:


You decide you need someone up front so that you and the little girl can shoot and blast people from behind. With your ridiculous Japanese accent you yell, "I summon you, Lancer!" as a powerful hero appears before you. You roll your eyes when you see Krillen standing before you with a spear five times bigger than himself. "Ugh, go get them!" You yell and fire you bow. You spot another summon appearing from the other team and aim a scatter arrow at its feet right as it appears. You are not sure who it was, but you kill it instantly and your Krillen charges through fighting off Darkness. Meanwhile the other summons appear and it becomes a massive brawl. You realize the alley is too dangerous and start trying to climb up the wall. You try again and again until the little girl tells you to pretend like you are crawling with a giggle. Blushing in anger you give a try and die a little inside when it works. You quickly climb up the building to look down into the battle.

Krillen waves his massive spear around in the middle of the alleyway holding everyone back while you fire arrow after arrow into the other team and the little girl Wizard Monkey giggles and blasts them into dust. Eventually the two of you are victorious, although both of you took some damage and need to find healing before someone else in this crazy town tries to fight you. The two of you start to loot the bodies and gain some amazing good loot. That is when the last summon jumps out from hiding.

Horrified you don't react fast enough as the Animal Crossing assassin takes out the Wizard Monkey from behind. You then hear a small meek voice that sounds like it is coming from the earth. "Let me use your power so I can blast one more time!" It says. You look confused, but suddenly the Animal Crossing assassin class turns into pure energy and absorbs into the small girl mage on the other team. Oh crap, you forgot about her! You thought she was dead when she fell over!

There is no time to escape as she gets up and summons the biggest fireball you've ever seen right on your head. You explode into fiery bits and don't wake up from the VR game.


Game Over

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