Christmas Story Games / Random Roll 1

From Create Your Own Story

Christmas Story Games

Konner's Game: Part 5/5


The Story:


You roll against your teammates and get a 76. You win! You equip the powerful new weapon and everyone splits up. You stick with the Widowmaker though. The two of you gain level three from the instance and decide not to go back to town. You've heard enough spam for one day. The two of you quest for a while and level up to level 10 using your amazing new weapon. The two of you can usually take down mobs before they can even reach you. Some don't even aggro to you since they are so far away. Eventually you find a 40 man raid hoping to stick together and grow very powerful by beating a low-man raid dungeon. You are nervous, but the leader is already level 30 and most of the members seem well equipped and skilled.

The two of you join and you enter the deadly and dangerous instance. Things go well at first and since you and the Widowmaker are low leveled and poorly geared a lot of the loot defaults to the two of you. Both of you don't contribute much but your scatter arrow gets an accidental kill here and there. Eventually you make it to the final room with a million mobs spread all over the area with a large powerful boss at the very end. The raid leader starts laying out the plan and you listen attentively. You don't want to die after all. And then, it happens.


One of the raid members gets tired of planning and just runs in aggroing everything. The entire raid panics but the raid leader tries to salvage the situation by having everyone follow in and try to survive. It is a mess. Everything attacks at once and before you know it large powerful mobs are tearing you apart. You never wake up from the VR headset.


Game Over

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