Choose Thenalak's plan?

From Create Your Own Story

Those mines have you immobilized, but you have the finest crew in all of Space Command and they are always at the ready to give you creative solutions to get you out of tight spots.

"Lieutenant Thenalak," you start. "Your idea seems risky, do you really think you can pull it off?"

"I do not plan to pull the mines off of the hull captain," she explains. "But I believe I can safely disarm each mine individually."

"Very well, make the necessary preparations."

"Aye sir" she says calmly. Thenalak turns and leaves the bridge.

"Lieutenant Martinez, how many mines are attached to the hull?" you ask.

"I'm reading six sir." he answers.

In minutes the com channel squawks on, the voice of Thenalak is coming through, "I'm stepping through the airlock now captain."

"Proceed carefully." you warn.

"I'm approaching the first mine. The primary detonation mechanism is motion activated. There is a secondary detonation mechanism... it appears to be triggered by a polarity inversion..."

"Yikes," says Martinez. "Good thing the captain didn't listen to me."

"Indeed," Thenalak agrees. "The warhead is an elemental fusion device. If I can remove the triggering element, the warhead will be rendered harmless. It will require a steady hand, but I believe I can do it."

"Proceed," you say with trepidation.

"I have removed the first trigger. I will proceed to the second mine. I am removing the second trigger... got it. Moving on to number three."

"C'mon Lieutenant. You can do it." Ensign Knight whispers to herself.

"Third warhead neutralized. I'm at the fourth... I've got the trig--"

Suddenly a pocket of plasma ignites near the ship shaking it violently.

"Thenalak? Thenalak come in!" you plead into the com system.

"Sir," Martinez interjects. "I'm reading a radiation spike in the fourth mine. The detonation mechanism has been triggered."


"I'm here captain." she finally replies. "That blast caused me to activate the detonation sequence... don't worry though, I've shut it down. Mine four.. mine four is... um..."

"Thenalak? Whats going on?"

"I think I know captain," says Martinez. "When the fourth mine activated it let out a huge burst of radiation... I'm pretty sure Thenalak has just taken a massive dose of radiation."

"I'm suiting up." Cmdr. Jenkins says as he rises and heads for the airlock.

"Make it quick Commander." you say. "Thenalak, its time to come back in."

"Hold on captain... I almost got... five..." her speech is becoming strained.

"No Thenalak, you need to get back in here now."

"Captain, I'm stepping out" Cmdr Jenkins says over the com.

"One... more..." Thenalak says weakly.

"I've got eyes on her captain" Jenkins says. "She's trying to disarm the last mine."

"Get her Commander" you say anxiously. You push the com button to signal the infirmary. "Doctor Russell, be prepared to receive a casualty. Thenalak has taken a large dose of radiation."

"Understood" the doctor says, the concern clear in her voice.

"I've got her" says Jenkins. "She' was able to disarm the last mine sir."

"Whats her condition Commander?" you ask.

"She's unconscious. I can see lesions on her face through her helmet. Is her blood supposed to be black?"

"That’s normal for a Hiroxian commander" you answer.

"Oh, okay... Alright, we're back inside sir."

"Get her to the infirmary Commander. Ensign Knight move us to a safe distance from the mine field."

"Aye sir" she says as she works the controls.

"I'll be in the infirmary" you say as you head for the lift. You ride down with a sick feeling in your stomach. You enter the infirmary as Doctor Russell is administering a treatment to your science officer. Thenalak doesn't look good, and that's saying something considering she normally looks like she's covered in slime. "How is she?" you ask Jenkins.

Jenkins shakes his head, "I don't know."

Doctor Russell hears you, "She'll be just fine. She's lucky actually. I've been studying her anatomy, If I hadn't I wouldn't have known where to begin treating her. And the Hiroxi are tough. Their cellular structure allows them to to survive much higher levels of radiation than humans."

"Thank God" you mutter as Ensign Patton walks into sickbay. He looks at the Lieutenant and then at you. "She'll be fine Ensign" you assure him. He sighs in relief.

"Um, the nebula sir," he stammers. "We've collected the last of the data. We've got all we need to map out the Dark Nebula."

"Good job Ensign, she said you were the man for the job."

"She's a generous boss sir."

"You don't want to put that to the test Ensign." Thenalak mutters without even opening her eyes, but she does manage to flash a slight smile.


You were tasked with charting the Dark Nebula, you finished the task ahead of schedule. Well done. These charts will allow space freighters to cut down on their travel time significantly. You also managed to escape a mysterious trap without loss of life or equipment. Well done indeed.


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