Call in sick and have yourself a free day

From Create Your Own Story

Now there's an idea. You have a good record at work - last year you only called in sick once, and that was when there was the citywide outbreak of the heaves. What your boss doesn't know won't hurt her. You dial up the office, and do your best to sound tired.

"Drentini Incorporated."

"Hey, Lis? It's me." You groan softly, making sure to keep your tone nasal and groggy.

"Hey. You're not sounding good..."

"Fever. I think I caught something."

"Ah, that flu bug that's going around? Go on and get some rest."


"No, no, best you don't infect the office. Call me tomorrow if you're still feeling bad." Click. She sounds... busy. Huh. Normally she's a bit more approachable. Well, that's out of the way! Now you've got a full day ahead of you with no responsibilities to speak of.

Now what to do...?

Furry Status (you)
Health 130 Equipment:


Gender Female
Species Fox
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