CW: You want Anakin Skywalker captured.

From Create Your Own Story

The crowd of bounty hunters looks nervous, a jedi? You get angry.

"Look here, 50,000 credits to the hunter that brings me Skywalker alive! Get to it!"

The hunters run to their speeders, leaving you alone and more bored than ever.

The sun is setting over the horizon and your about to swallow a thermal detonator and kill yourself to save you from the boredom when the speeders return. Between a Weequay and a Gammoran you see the limp bloodied figure of Anakin Skywalker. You smile as you see a pair of annulling binders on his wrists, making it impossible for him to use his powers or resist. Anakin comes to and looks at you with dangerous eyes.


"Nice to see you awake jedi! Thought you could join the party!"

"You won't get away with this you slug!"

"Maybe not, but at least I can have some fun first!"

You feel yourself getting hot and bothered looking at him, sweaty and bruised, totally helpless....

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