Awakening - Camp Skylight (Chapter 1.1)

From Create Your Own Story

Previous Choice

'Argh, fuck, what happened?', you said to yourself. You're lying on the floor of the cabin, wondering what in the world happened to you. While it's not so easy, you try to stand up. To your amazement, you succeed in doing this. At the moment you stood up, your head started to hurt a lot. This results in you aiming for your head with your right hand. When you retrieve it, you can see a clear red bloodstain on your hand. You don't notic a lot from the headwound, but that may just be because of your shock. You check your phone to see if you can contact someone. However, your phone was pulverized by the blows. When you look at one side of the wagon, you can see your backpack. It seems quite unharmed though. You grasp for it, and you find that your carried items are unharmed. You look for a bunch of tissues in the backpack, in order to make a bandage for your headwound. In a few seconds, you find a bunch and you use the tissues to tie them to each other, to make a solid bandage. It may not be the best one, but at least it keeps the blood in place for now.

A few minutes later, you climb out of the broken wagon. Around you, you can see the other wagons of the train. They are as demolished as the one you were in. However, you did not see any signs of rails. Apparently the wagons rolled so far, that rails are out of sight. The only best option you have, is to wander off in one direction, in search for signs of life.

3 hours later...

Few hours have passed, and still no signs of life. In the meantime, you have entered a forest that seemed rather innocent. If you'd have to play the survival game, then perhaps you could find food in here. You explore the forest, but you don't find anything that is of use to you.

10 minutes later...

Few more minutes have passed, and you're about to fall because you're so tired. You lower yourself onto the ground, resulting in you almost crying. When you're about to do that, you can feel the wind blow against your cheek. That particular wind flew straight forward, moving aside a few leaves. You look forward, and past those leaves you can see a shiver of a fence. You immediately stand up, and head for the shiver sight of the fence. After you're past the leaves, you can see it. There's indeed a fence. You follow the fence to see if it leads to an opening, since you're unable to look past it. Two minutes of walking went by, and you notice the entrance. On top of the gate, you can see the name of the place: Camp Skylight...


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