At Malley Page 1

From Create Your Own Story

You’re At Malley, chosen to watch your Aunt's house and feed her dogs. You’ve been careful so far, mindful of any earrings and stray coloring books that may have been left behind that would reveal your crazy antics; but today you face a different challenge. Today you must survive an encounter with the latest overrated player signed by the Jets; a player who will lead them to a disappointing season and leave fans wondering why they didn’t just stick with “Giants Stadium” when they named the new place. Your goal is to make it through the day and consume beers with the gang, Meat Porris and May Janzella, at the Old Mill. Reader beware you’re in for a scare…and some other lines I ripped from books I read when I was a kid.

While waiting in the garden, doing something crazy, you hear a strange noise coming up the street. The clatter of treads on gravel catches your attention as you look up from the finger painting your girlfriend made for you and down the long winding driveway. Spotting a tank moving ponderously toward your position you hide in the nearby brush. The tank grinds to a halt in front of the house and out steps none other than Santonio Holmes. Realizing you have only two options you decide to

Use your katana to slice his wallet out of his sweat pants pocket and steal it

Steal his wallet the old fashioned way and flee to the woods

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