Ask what other animals he keeps at the ranch?

From Create Your Own Story

The rancher drives slowly forward while he tells you about all his farm animals. "Chicken... sheep... cats..."

As he continues to explain where each animal sleeps, and what it eats, the stallion follows right behind you. Soon it fidgets and snorts, and then it mounts you again!

"Do you have any larger... animals," you ask even while the stallion forces you to stop.

The rancher gives you a look, but then sighs and stops the car.

"We do keep a small selection of bulls." He exits the car, takes out his cock and starts to stroke it while watching you get slowly but thoroughly fucked once more by the stallion, who is much more forceful this time.

"One actual bull. One bull giraffe. We even have a bull elephant. You really are one horny mare."

You realize you couldn't run away even if you wanted it. For the first time, the stallion bites you and keeps you steady, and it excites you to no end to feel the full strength of the virile horse male. You can only grin back at the rancher.

"No more questions for you, girl! After you're done this time, it's straight back to the stables. An isolated stall for you!" the rancher says even as he beats his meat furiously.

He walks up to you and you eagerly bow to take his cock into your mouth, even as you have to use your body strength to keep still from the almost-violent thrusts from the wide-eyed stallion. You quickly gulp down the rancher's load and then tell him to keep your distance.

Then you put every effort into bucking back at the stallion, making him go into a frenzy. He whinnies, and presses you down making you fight to buck at him. He frothes all over your back. He even gets a hold of your human hair with his teeth, to yank you almost as if he were a rough human lover! Suddenly you piss great gushes even as the stallion uses all his strength to penetrate almost the entire length of your horse body. And you cum so hard your vision goes black and you see stars.

You cum and you piss and you cum again, and you shriek an inhuman shriek that can be heard for miles. The stallion lathers your back with sticky froth, and then it starts to buck you so hard even your big horse ass hurts, spurting huge loads of hot baby horse juice deep into your fertile centaur womb. It feels as if you orgasm forever, and the stallion just keeps spurting and spurting.

But eventually its spurts become dribbles, and dribbles become lazy drools. And then the horse is done, and gone.

You're positively soaked with cum, sweat and froth, and your belly is dangerously bloated, but you have a wide grin on your lips, and you feel better than you ever have. You are positive this new pair of babies will grow up to be the strongest and most magnificent twin white stallions the world has ever seen!

Neither you nor the rancher speaks. There are no need for words.

Health Pregnant Centaur Location:

The Ranch

MP 0
Level 1
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