Ask to come with them. Strength in numbers or something like that right?

From Create Your Own Story

"Can I join you two.. at least until we get out of this?" You ask hesitantly.

Ayuta turns around and answers "Try not to slow us down ok?"

You quickly walk up and with them.

After a minute of walking you ask "Do you know the way out of here?"

"Yeah, we need to find a ring." Ayuta says without even glancing at you.

"And the ring would be found where exactly?"

"I have no idea but its somewhere here, im guessing that the crystals all eventually lead to them. According to the map there should be one up here."

"Wait what map?"

"The one that the author never mentioned to avoid having to explain everything."

By now you can see the crystal through the thick snow. Ayuta reaches out and touches it. In an instant he disappears. As you look to Mana as she does the same. A little bit frightened you reach out and touch the crystal. Suddenly the blinding light overcomes you, with such a strong force you can feel the light's presence. Quick as it came the light disappears and you can see that your in a different part of the mountain. A good distance in front of you is a dragon looking thing, its proportions made so it looks really thick boned, or fat hopefully. It just stands there waiting for you. You look around and can see that your surrounded by unclimbable hills. Ayuta and Mana standing beside you.

"Fight the dragon, get the ring?" Ayuta says with a smile looking over to you two.

"Seems like you've got the right idea." Mana says smiling back.

"Mana keep your bow ready in case I mess up." He says unsheathing his swords. He starts a dash at it.

you can:

You are: A 15-year-old girl
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