Ask the hunter to fuck you again

From Create Your Own Story

"Really?" The hunter looks genuinely surprised. "You want more sex even though I'm about to shoot you?"

You alternately purr and squirm, sperm oozing out your pussy. He really shot a giant load - the bloating feeling makes you warm all over.

The hunter considers this for a while. "Okay, let's make a deal," the hunter finally says.

"I will let you out of the net and you give it your best shot at making me cum a second time, and I might just take you to the club alive. But you try any tricks and your head ends up on my trophy wall, you hear?"

You give him one of those inscrutable cat looks, but then you nod. The hunter unceremoniously cuts the net, dumping you painfully on the ground. Before you can act, you see the hunter now brandishes a very large revolver.

He looks at you, then at the revolver, down at his still-dripping giant semi-flaccid cock, and back up at you.


Health Horny Leopard Lady Location:

The Jungle

MP 0
Level 1
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