Ask the IRS agent which companies he's investigating

From Create Your Own Story

You rise to your feet. "Glad to help. Which companies are you looking into?"

"Right now, the focus is on Enron," he replies.

You pull out your cell phone. "Lyle? It's Joe... Yeah, got an IRS agent here checking into Enron... How many? Well, they are the government, they deal with massive amounts of paperwork all the time... On CD? Yeah, that would be easier for him to transport anyway... Noon tomorrow? Sounds good.... OK, bye."

You dial a second number. "Vince? I need a car out here... yeah, and a hotel room... make it 3 days to start... it's for an IRS guy. I already told Lyle to get the documents prepped for him... Lyle said 75,000 at least... Enron... 15 minutes?... OK."

The agent turns to you. "Seventy-five thousand? As in documents?"

You nod. "You'll probably need more than three days to even sort through them and decide which ones you want to take, but that's not an issue. I can always have Vince extend your hotel stay. Lyle is the head of my accounting department, and thankfully he's very organized."

You make small talk from then until the arrival of the car. "Take him to the main building," you tell the driver. "Lyle is waiting for him." You give the agent a wave. "Good luck."

With that out of the way, you wander over to the bar to see if any females catch your eye. There are a couple that look appealing, a short, plump blonde with a nice chest and a cute face to your left and a tall, muscular redhead to your right.

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