Ask him kindly to get off your seat

From Create Your Own Story

You walk up to Gabriel and politely ask of him to remove his butt off your table. Expectantly, he laughs off with his friends like you're an idiot and 'asks of you to shove off before he kicks your ass'.

Seeing how mature (and rather pitiful) you have become, your friend, Jordan, decides to take a stand by your side. Surprisingly, he is one of Gabriel's close friends. Or at least 'was'.

Seeing that you have turned one of his own against him, Gabriel is not one to be tolerant about it. He manages to shove Jordan a little bit to one side, despite some struggle, and reaches for you.

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Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

iPod, backpack, lunch

Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Male
Social Group Emo, Nerd
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