An assassin came to slay your father

From Create Your Own Story

You've decided discretion would be the wiser course and quickly describe how you came here to speak to your father privately and found him at odds with an assassin. once the assassin saw you he quickly hit your father to the ground and jumped out the window. The guards are used to assassination attempts but to have gotten so far up the mountain without being noticed was a first. They look down with guilty faces at your father as they see him lying unconscious on the earth. "Quickly, we must go after him!" Rufo shouts to the other guard. The guards turn to flee towards the window. The moon is out and it is possible they will catch on to your lie quickly.

What do you do?

Follow the guards to the window

Wait until they are gone and kill your father

Call the guards to arms across the whole castle

Return to your quarters

Escape through the castles main gate

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