Agree and get them into your apartment that night

From Create Your Own Story

"Okay," you agree, "if get into my apartment, I'll leave the door unlocked tonight." You give the men your apartment number and tell them that Mindy usually goes to bed by 11.

The elevator reaches their floor, and they get off. You press the button and return to your floor.

When you get back to your apartment, Mindy lets you in.

"Where have you been?" She asks. "I heard you stop knocking and heard some noise in the hallway, but when I opened the door you were gone."

"Jim came home, so I made a dash for the elevator to avoid him." You explain.

"Sorry, but you shouldn't cheat." Mindy says.

"I know. I'll do better tomorrow." You say and go to your room.

That night, once Mindy's in bed, you unlock the door to your apartment and climb in bed.

What do your upstairs neighbors do:

Day 1 Clothing


Health Sleeping
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