Advanced Dating/Pull her towel off

From Create Your Own Story

You're way too horny to leave now. You take Maya's towel and pull it away from her slowly. She tries to hang on to it, but she's small and skinny, and you easily get it off of her. You toss it behind you, and Maya backs up, covering her breasts with one arm and her pussy with the other one.

"What the fu.. you wouldn't. You wouldn't fucking dare!"

You grab Maya by the shoulders and kiss her forcibly. She screams and fights you, slapping you crazily and swearing profusely.

"This is rape! Rape! I do not consent! This is a fucking felony! You're going to prison for the rest of your fucking life, you piece of shi- MMMmmmmmm!"

Maya yells into your hand as you cover her mouth and push her up against the glass door of the shower. You pin her there and undo your pants with your other hand, pulling out your seven inch dick deftly. Maya sees what you're doing and fights harder, clearly not wanting any part of this. For a moment, you see the desperation in her eyes, and know what you're about to do is wrong.

What do you do?

Rape Maya in her bathroom

Back out and run away

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