APL/Tell her no

From Create Your Own Story

You wish you could see her face as you contemplate your answer. You cannot tell from her voice the meaning behind the question. It is true that she is moaning as your dick pushes against her pussy and rubs her clit, but that could be just from your action and have nothing to do with your dick covered in her piss.

You decide you cannot risk your relationship by coming across as gross to her. You decide the best course of action is to lie to her.

You say, "Not really. It was a spur of the moment thing. I'm sorry for doing anything gross with you."

Her voice changes and she says, "Good, John, because that was gross." She lets out a little moan as you continue to work your dick against her pussy and clit.

She never pisses in the shower again the remainder of the time you are with her, which lasts another two years. You always regret your answer, since the opportunity never arrives again. You also never convince her to have anal sex with you. You don't recall why the relationship ended, but you always recall good things about it.

There were plenty of other women in your life, but none gave the opportunity to piss on your dick the way Nora had. You have anal sex with some of them, but you always wonder what it would be like to get pissed on again.

The End

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