Furry World/Male Dragon-Rabbit/Your mom takes you to her studio (2)

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From around the corner emerges a tall snow leopardess. She has striking spots and a large, bushy tail, and she looks like she's in the prime of her acting career - beautiful, confident, and voluptuous. She's wearing a bright yellow sun dress with a low-cut top that shows off her ample cleavage, and you notice that she's barefoot. Apparently they really are casual here. She's also only a few inches shorter than you - impressive, given how tall you are.

She immediately walks up to your mother and gives her a big hug. "Jenny! Welcome back! How was your vacation?"

Jenny hugs her back and says, "It was good! Got some time to relax and just let myself go for a while. Ready to get back to it now, though!"

The snow leopard puts her hands on the rabbit's shoulders. "Great! I've got a whole bunch of new projects lined up that I think you'll like. Why don't we look over them a little later, see which ones you like?" Then Barbara looks over to you. "And who's this handsome fellow?"

Your mom gestures to you. "Barbara, I'd like you to meet my son, Ron. He's interested in auditioning."

You raise your hand nervously. "Uh, hi Barbara."

Barbara smiles widely and immediately takes you into a warm hug. "Ron! So good to meet you! Jenny's mentioned you once or twice before." You glance over to your mom, who just winks back at you and mouths, "Go with it."

The leopardess then steps back and looks you over in much the same way as Lily did. "And goodness, you're handsome, aren't you? Let me get a good look at you, boy!" She peers closer at your unique fur, your stature and build, already looking quite impressed with what she sees. You notice her ogling your butt, and then of course the bulge in your jeans. There's never any good way to hide that. Finally, she steps back again and says, "My, I can already see a lot of things you might be good in." Then to your mom, "I'm impressed, Jenny! I had no idea you'd raised such a hunk."

Jenny chuckles. "It wasn't easy. But Ron's a good kid. I think he'd get along with everyone here."

Barbara nods, then turns back to you, looking more serious now. "So, Ron, are you sure about this? Acting is hard work, whether it's porn or Shakespeare. You're going to have a lot of rehearsing to do." She winks at your mother, who chuckles softly in response.

You immediately think to yourself, I'll bet I know what kind of rehearsing she has in mind... But suddenly the awkward thought of being here with your mother probably getting to see everything you do makes you blush. "Well, uh, yeah, I mean. I know Mom does it..." The words are difficult to keep straight. "I, uh, guess it's kinda weird, my mom being here and all..."

Barbara laughs, a hearty, infectious laugh. "Not at all, Ronnie boy! You're not the first time someone's brought their kid in."

You nod again, still looking bashful. "I suppose... but yeah, I'm interested in giving it a try..."

Barbara suddenly straightens herself up, tosses her hair back, and instantly switches to a serious, authoritative expression. "No, Ron, not 'I wanna give it a try'. I want to see ACTION. Show me how much you want to FUCK me!" You catch a glimpse of both Lily and your mother trying very hard not to laugh, but Barbara immediately commands your attention again as she takes a step toward you. You step back, not sure how to respond, but the leopardess matches each of your steps until you find yourself against the wall. She hefts her generous breasts toward you. "Show me what you can do with those big, strong hands of yours." Your blush deepens.

Barbara takes the final step toward you, standing within inches, looking directly into your eyes. You can feel the warmth of her body, the scent of her perfume wafting to your sensitive nose. She lids her eyes slightly and says, "Come on. I need a big, BOLD man. Right here, right now."

You hesitate for just a moment longer, looking over to your mom for some sort of signal. How do you respond to this grown woman practically throwing herself at you? But Jenny just smiles, and silently mouths, "Go for it!"

Barbara is still piercing you with her gaze, once again commanding your attention like you've never seen before. You get the sense that she will walk away any second now, so you steel yourself up and shove your hesitation aside, choosing to ignore the doubts in your mind. If this woman wants you, you are going to oblige, dammit!

You quickly and firmly wrap your arms around the snow leopardess, pulling her to your chest, then lean your head down and engage her in a deep, passionate kiss. She gives off a surprised "mmph!", but lets herself fall against you. You continue to kiss her as your claws rake up and down the back of her dress, feeling the curve and arch of her strong back. Your hands move further down to grip and squeeze her firm rump, then to trace a finger under the base of her tail. The leopardess moans into the kiss and pushes back encouragingly against your hands, and wraps her arms around your neck to hold herself closer to you.

You bring your hands up her sides now, letting them brush against the outside edges of her breasts before moving them up to her shoulders, then back down to grope them more firmly. Then you start to pull the straps of her dress down off her shoulders and feel her wiggling a little to help until the fabric slips off her chest, now only being held up by her elbows. She presses herself against you again, letting you feel those bare, furry tits and her firm nipples against your chest.

This is turning you on something fierce, your cock now straining eagerly against your jeans, the bulge there having become quite a bit more prominent.

Barbara finally pulls back from the kiss and gazes dreamily up at you. "Oh, Ron. That's exactly what I was looking for. You're going to be a dream come true."

Without missing a beat, and without knowing quite where it came from, you smile back down to her and reply, "If this is a dream, then I don't want to wake up."

"And scene!" A new voice snaps you out of your trance with a start. You feel like you've just come to, and realized that you were getting it on with your mom's boss and were caught in the act. But as your mom and Lily clap and cheer for you, you see a new person, a horse standing next to the desk with a clipboard in hand. He nods to you by way of response.

Barbara lets go of you and steps back, giving you quite the view of her impressive chest. Those spots and rosettes that adorn her fur make a nice frame around the white fur of her chest, a luscious patch of thicker white fur just between her plump breasts, her large nipples standing erect from her stimulation. She smiles demurely to you and lets you take in the sight for a moment, before pulling her dress back up and shaking herself out just a bit. She then turns toward everyone else, her tail brushing your leg. "Hi Chevy. Whatcha think?"

The horse smiles. "I'd save that take for sure. You done any acting before, kid?" You shake your head, still looking a bit sheepish. The horse continues, "Well, kid, lemme tell ya, you're a natural. That last line was pure gold. Could have been straight out of Casablanca." He walks up to you and puts out his hand. "Name's Cheval. Nice to meet ya."

You feel more at ease. This guy is more on your wavelength. You shake the horse's hand. "Ron. Good to meet you too."

Barbara puts her arms around your and Cheval's shoulders and starts to walk you both toward the hall. "Well, then. Let's show our new star around the studio, shall we?"

You glance back to Lily and your mother, and both of them flash you enthusiastic thumbs ups. You did it! Somehow, without even knowing what you were doing, you passed your on-the-spot interview! The look of pride on your mother's face tells you all that you need to know.

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:

Man stuff

Gender Male
Species Dragon-Rabbit

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