Assistant to dr.s Grant and Saddler

From Create Your Own Story

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Synopsis: its 1993 the desert heat wind can be felt coming over the badlands you stay cool as a cucumber with a bottle water in your hand and a hat on as you along with dr.s grant and saddler are overlooking the latest find on the computer you gaze off thinking how lucky you are you got picked out of hundreds to train with mentors like grant and saddler out of the local mntanna college you always had a passion for things dinosaur and primeval it makes your heart race now seeing such a find and that its perfectly preserved you kinda share the same optimisim that ellie has so naturally you look up to her as for grant you stare over and see him tornenting a kid with a rptor razor for lacking respect and you just shake your head you know grant means well but sometimes since living around em for a month you see grant as someone able to relate more to the bones in the groundthan people but the thought is momentarily ruined when you hear overhead loud buzzing and grant and ellie start to scream about seuring the lines and tarps. Ellie is just beside herself that someone would fly in this close to a excavation site

Aid in covering up the bones

Run over to the chopper

Follow grant and saddler to the mobile home

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