High Voltage/Go to the library

From Create Your Own Story

< High Voltage
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I went to the library in hopes of finding a way to change back to myself. I grabbed some scrap paper and found a quiet desk. The problem was that I didn't know caused the change in the first place. It is clear electricity was involved, but was it a high voltage or a high amperage? Or was it something else all together?

The service conduit in the stadium was likely carrying a pretty sufficient current, but I had no idea how much. The electronics I worked with were much smaller; I wasn't familiar with what was used in construction or maintenance. I mind began to drift as I doodled on the paper. This wasn't going to be easy.

I decided to go for a walk among the stacks of books, to see if something caught my eye. While on the second floor of the reference section, I spotted someone who looked familiar. I took my phone out of my pocket and looked at Facebook. Sure enough, the man in the aisle was Shawn, and he wasn't alone.

No, Shawn's tongue seemed like it was halfway down this blonde girl's throat.

"Hey Shawn," I said, walking casually down the aisle. "What's going on?"

He looked at me and I could see the fear register in his eyes. The girl looked at me with disgust. Shawn remained silent.

"Did you want to introduce me to your friend?" I asked. I approached the girl with my hand extended, "Hi, I'm Lauren." I turned towards Shawn, "I'm Shawn's ex-girlfriend."

The girl stood petrified in her place. Shawn stepped toward me, but I swung my hand up, palm facing outwards. "Save it," I said. "We're through."

I walked back to my desk and collected my things. Unfortunately, my progress would need to wait. It was now time to go to work.

Should I:

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