Tease the wolf, just for kicks

From Create Your Own Story

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You decide that it probably isn't Penny and turn your attention to the wolf instead. You think it might be fun to give him a little show. You begin by reaching up high and grabbing the rail that runs across the top of the train car. You arch your back and push your crotch towards the wolf, seemingly by accident. This action causes your sheath and balls to be clearly outlined by your tight pants. You peek at the wolf through half lidded eyes and are pleased to note that he's having a hard time ignoring you.

The fact that you are able to turn guys on as well as girls really gets you heated. You are sure he notices as your sheath begins to swell and you have to use all your willpower to stop an erection. Soon you stop stretching and reach into your pocket for your cell phone. You "accidentally" drop it and let it bounce behind you (you have a life proof case, so it's not damaged). You turn over and bend down, flicking your tail to the side and tightening your cheeks to give the wolf a show. A quick glance around your legs shows you that he has given up all pretense and is openly staring at you. The Appaloosa you think might be Penny is still oblivious and you are pretty sure the older rabbit is sleeping so you keep up little teases here and there until you reach your stop. You walk by the wolf on the way out and you notice that this is also the Appaloosa's stop. Just as the doors close, the wolf looks at you, down at his watch, at you again, and jumps out onto the platform. As you head towards the exit, you notice that he's following you.

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:

Shirt, Slacks, House Keys, Subway Card, Wallet, Cell Phone

Gender Male
Species Equine
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