Decide to go to sleep now... You need to be rested for school tomorrow

From Create Your Own Story

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You go to bed the same way you finished your sex session, with you in between your two lovers. It's a blissful night. When morning comes, you feel warmth and comfort on the left side of your body. But your right side feels... empty.

Turning your head over, you see you're short one lover. Kerri is still with you, resting against your shoulder. But Angela is gone. You gently nudge Kerri awake and ask her what happened to her friend.

As Kerri rouses from her sleep, she starts to move away from you. The dark-haired girl doesn't even look back at you when she answers your question. "She left. She told me she was leaving as soon as the pheromones wore off."

You look back at Kerri, confused. You're not sure how to respond to her words. All you can say is "What?"

"Angela used to tell me about how pheromones were being sprayed in our school. They would make people less rational and more sexually active. I didn't believe it at first, but now..."

Kerri doesn't finish the thought. She presses her head against her hand. "Please, can you just leave?" she asks. "I want to be alone."

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Beautiful 14-year-old
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