Saya/Innocent Dress/3/Ceasefire/treat them as a worthy royal escort

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< Saya | Innocent Dress | 3 | Ceasefire
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These men were obviously hand-picked for their ugly looks and they know it. morale is as low as it gets and the lot of them look listless as they trudge on, with the occasional curious looks at you since you're quite different from what they expected considering the rumors surrounding you. This gloomy bunch is definitely meant to make you look bad, therefore, the best way to fight back is by blowing some life into them and turning these guys into proud soldiers.

That's easier said than done tho since they look pretty pathetic. You ponder on how to proceed for a while but can't form any decent plan, so you figure you'll start by treating them as a worthy royal escort. Your carriage is approaching one of the border towns in enemy territory. You soon remember invading this town in a campaign a while back, luckily you doubt anyone will recognize you in this getup.

You get out of the carriage, allowing some of the soldiers to help you exit the carriage. You obviously don't need it, but it looks adequate considering the way you are dressed and the soldiers' cheeks go red at being considered good enough to assist royalty, especially beautiful female royalty like you.

The ambassador snorts and makes a rude remark about how you're low enough to be helped by the likes of them. You give him a glare that shuts him up instantly and say coldly "You should show more gratitude to the men who put their lives on the line so you can continue your wasteful lifestyle". With that, you brush him off and walk past him without giving him a second look

It seems the soldiers will all be staying in the large common room while the servants and maids get separate rooms. The ambassador grudgingly prepared the luxurious room for you and looks displeased at the prospect of staying in a normal room. You smirk, you'd have him sleep with the pigs if you could. You're generally not too fond of bureaucrats and those who think they're better than others just make you want to take them down a notch.

The way they're treating the soldiers as inferiors is seriously pissing you off. Maybe you should stay with the soldiers in the common room to let them know what you think of their luxury and importance.. It'd be a nice opportunity to see if you can do something to fix their low spirits.

You :

Stay in the common room with the soldiers, ignoring the ambassadors' protests

Oblige them and stay at the 'luxurious' room

Take a normal room since you don't trust the room they prepared for you

Health 100 Equipment:

Innocent Dress

Stamina 100
Mood Motivated Inventory:

valuable jewelry, artful dagger, Mother's Katana, Full Black Leather Armor

Purse 711, 214, 930
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