Saya/Innocent Dress/3/Ceasefire/common room

From Create Your Own Story

You tell the ambassador he can keep his luxurious room and head over to the common room where the soldiers are staying. He hurries after you complaining in an annoying voice you don't bother to listen to. The men are surprised to see you since nobility generally never shows themselves around the common room, let alone royalty. You snap them to attention and, sounding fatigued, you ask them "Could someone please escort 'this' to the room it likes so much". Pointing at the ambassador as you say 'this', which makes the men grin. The ambassador starts to protest and says the men are still under his command, an annoyed glare shuts him up and he obediently stalks off like a defeated dog. They obviously don't like him any more than you do and are overjoyed to see you treat him like the useless creature he is.

One of them hesitantly asks you why you honor them with your presence.

You :

Tell them you can't sleep alone

Tell them you couldn't bear the ambassador's presence any longer

Tell them you wanted to get to know your new royal guards

Health 100 Equipment:

Innocent Dress

Stamina 100
Mood Motivated Inventory:

valuable jewelry, artful dagger, Mother's Katana, Full Black Leather Armor

Purse 711, 214, 930
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