D&D: Try to sneak up on the kobolds down the hill

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 15:17, 20 September 2017 by Fredhot16 (Talk | contribs)

You decide to take the uninformed kobolds out by surprise, stepping lightly and slowly down the hill with your sword low in your hand. You are focused on the kobolds when something lands in front of you with a small *splat.* It's a purple gooey ball that happens to be getting bigger slowly. Instincts kick up and you try to stand up to run back when it explodes into a huge sticky jelly that sucks you into it's body.

As you float inside of it you see four kobolds running down the hill you just came from, jumping out from behind a few rocks you failed to bother with, and rushing toward You. The kobolds down the hill are now throwing their own jellies after the merchants, taking full advantage of the situation with crossbows before rushing into the scene with shortswords. You try to fight the jelly enveloping you, but the internal torrent it causes relieves you of any chance of a proper stance or grip on the ground, and as the last of your consciousness chokes away, a robed Kobold approaches you and causes the jelly to dissolve before everything is black...


...You wake up in a dark, musty cave, completely nude, your wrists are held up to the ceiling by chains, shackles weighing down your ankles with an anvil and an iron ball. As your superior eyes begin to adjust to the faint lights flickering from a pool of water and fluorescent moss, you recognize shapes of other women, also stripped down and bound similarly to yourself throughout the room in a wide circle.

Your eyes adjust further to a red-hued vision of the area, a poorly crafted statue of either a retarded wyvern or the dorkiest dragon you ever saw stands proudly in the center of the room. The only worrying thing about this statue is it's very large protrusion coming from the crotch... It's a very telling hint to what the future holds in store for the girls here, including yourself.

There is a figure coming from the hall behind the statue, a robed kobold with two guards flanking him at his sides. You stare at him with narrowed eyes, chains rattling over your head as you alter your stance with a straightened back, your wrists are raw from hanging for an unknown length of time. The robed kobold hisses your way in response, offended. Good. You stare hard at the runt and his two guards with their child-size armor and medium length pikes. If only you were free to tear him apart, it would be easy enough!

He approaches you now, his hiss repeats, this time words follow. "Ssubmit to your fate, warmblood!" It's like he thinks kobolds make that sound with the S...

"Humble yoursself before me!" He stands in front of you now, his breath, again, hissing in and out. Your defiant lack of response causes him to throw off his robe and begin casting an incantation over himself, consuming a mouthful of Iron powder, he suddenly begins growing larger, with a disproportionally large erection growing with him..

D&D: Shrink back in fear, he's one of those witches!

D&D: Try to strike a bargain with him, you're much more useful as a mercenary than a breeder!

D&D: Catch that erection between your knees as he grows, make him beg!

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