(C) Turn Keisha's body away from you and just hold her from behind and snuggle

From Create Your Own Story

You don't think of Keisha as just a sex object. You actually like her and want her to continue to think of you as someone to spend time with. So you rotate her body 180 degrees, wrap your arms securely and lovingly around her [with your hands gently cupping her breasts], nestle your body against hers [with your pole against her rump], and lie still, just enjoying the feel of being with her.

After several minutes of pleasant, quiet time, Keisha speaks. "Connor?"

"Yes?" you whisper.

"Having you against me feels good. Why aren't you trying to stimulate me?"

"I don't want to pressure you into anything, Keisha."

Keisha begins grinding her butt against your stiff rod. She takes her hands, puts them over yours and makes you grope her just-budding breasts. "I appreciate that, but don't you think I'm sexy?"

Amazing what being slow and restrained will do. Keisha equates sex with love, not surprising at her age, and is demanding physical affection to assuage her emotional needs. "Of course I do, Keisha. If you want to initiate sex play, I won't resist. You're beautiful."

Keisha giggles. "Good." She pivots in your arms and kisses you forcefully while her hand wraps around your pole. When she breaks the kiss, she whispers to you.

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