“Why are you trying to find him? Is he in danger from someone?”

From Create Your Own Story

"Not from my people," Tanya says. She pulls out a badge. You recognize it as the FSS badge... which doesn't mean she isn't a mobster. In your former life, you often pretended to be a Russian cop or even a KGB agent when out on your missions.

"You some sort of cop?" you inquire politely.

"I work for what you Americans used to call the KGB," she states in an authoritative voice. "We'd like to bring him back to Russia for trial. His former associates don't believe in innocent until proven guilty, if you get my meaning."

You nod. "I'll ask around," you say. "You know how these things work. Someone knows somebody who has a friend whose cousin thinks he may have seen a guy that could be him living somewhere..."

Tanya interrupts with a giggle. "I've done my share of leg work."

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