“Forget about him for a few hours and let me keep you company.”

From Create Your Own Story

Tanya giggles. "I can understand your motivation," she replies. "I know I'm attractive. And you seem nice. But you're old enough to be my father." She pauses for a moment. "Actually, that gives me an idea."

"What's your idea?" you ask.

"My mom, Svetlana, wants to become an American citizen," she replies. "She looks just like me, only older. She's actually close to your age. Perhaps you could meet her, and if you two like each other, you could become her husband so that she could come to this country."

"That's a splendid idea," you grin. "I'll be right here. When can she meet me?"

"How about a week from tonight?" Tanya answers. you nod approvingly. "Then it's a deal."

Svetlana proves to be a strikingly attractive blonde. You two hit it off at once and withing a month you're married.

You can't really go on a honeymoon, since your job ties you to the apartment, but you can make your first night of married life with Svetlana special.

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