"You're scaring me a little bit."

From Create Your Own Story

The rugged stud chuckles and finally cracks a wicked grin.

"Boys usually don't get scared until I pull my dick out..."

You gulp and turn red. Your eyes can't help but glance down at his crotch. There is a tremendous bulge there, snaking down his left leg. Your asshole involuntarily puckers, and you feel it tingle a little.

The man may not be anyone's idea of "handsome," but there's something so masculine and sexy about him... One of your friends labeled guys like Mac as "uglyhot."

"So what d'ya say, kid? Wanna see what scares all the little boys? Let's go back to my hotel room t'get to know one another a little better."

The bathroom door opens. The muscled man wraps one big arm around your shoulders as the Daddy and Don come out, chuckling. Don hasn't done the buttons up on his shirt yet, and both men stop to stare at the sight of you with the large pockmarked man.

"Well, well," the Daddy says. "Didn't take you long to find a replacement, did it?"

"We were just playin' with you," Don says. "Me and him are together. Like, a couple. Sometimes we come here to pick up a play-toy like you - sometimes apart, sometimes together."

Your face reddens - that's why Don said he knew the Daddy.

"Me and the boy were just on our way out of here," Mac says. His hand slides down to the small of your back, and he shoves his hairy hand down your pants. He wastes no time in plunging a thick, calloused finger up your butthole. You wince, but your whole body shivers.


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