"Oh, gosh, did I sleepwalk again?"

From Create Your Own Story

"Oh, gosh, did I sleepwalk again?"

What an actor! You facepalm yourself and groan while Tisch looks on, puzzled. You walk towards her and Tisch takes a step back. You stop and give a heavy sigh.

"Your mother didn't tell you. She hates to be reminded of it because I've ruined so many of our things." You hang your head. "I sleepwalk sometimes. I've been trying real hard not to, but I can't really control it. Your mother says it's the worst thing about me, and I try so hard to please her." You glance up at Tisch and fight not to crack a smile. She's eating it right up - who said dumb was only for blondes? There was definitely sympathy in those wide eyes of hers. You raise your head with a concerned frown on your face. "I didn't want to tell you, but...I didn't do anything to you last night, did I?"

Tisch opens her mouth, but seems to think better of it. Her shoulders droop and you know you've won again. "No. At least, not anything terrible." She shivers, and you admire the way her breasts shake. "I just hope you don't do it again."

You nod, trying to look super grateful. "Thank you! And don't tell your mom about it, ok? I love her so much, I wouldn't want to break her heart that way. Please?"

Now you look desperate. Tisch is weighing this new information in her little mind. She feels awful about your sleepwalking problem and doesn't want to get you in trouble with her mom - she knows how much her mom loves you, and of course she really likes staying at your house. She nods. "Ok. I won't tell."

She walks out of the kitchen and you can't believe your own genius and good luck. Now to press it.

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