"Hey, It's only because of my schedule!"

From Create Your Own Story

"Hey, It's only because of my schedule!"

Ken let out a playful smirk, "Sure it is. Anyhow, I need to get to school. My history test from last week won't retake itself."

You wave to Ken as he exits the dorm and quickly rounds the corner to the school. You were about to go make some "gourmet" toast and jam, until you realized that Ken left all of the cleaning to you. You grunt a little as you go to clean up Ken's bowl of cereal. After sloppily washing it and putting it on the rack to dry, you go to the laundry room, expecting him to have left his clothes there as well. However, they were nowhere in sight. You wonder if you should go into his room, but that might be helping him out a bit too much. But you sure would love a whiff of some of his underwear...

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