You're too tired. Give in

From Create Your Own Story

You couldn't imagine escaping, tired from the difficult climb. You look over the edge giving the boy a great view of your bare ass and cunt.

None have made any real progress.

"Well, I guess I'm yours." You crawl over offering him your hip with the flag hanging from the belt. Giving yourself away to this puny kid really turns you on. He stares awe-struck at your body, his mouth gaping.

He hesitates, swallows and then takes the offered flag.

The horn blasts.

A new voice announces, "A flag has been taken. Everyone stop where you are. If you need to descend from the wall for safety reasons, you may do so."

"Female you must remove all clothing and other items."

You rip the T-shirt from your body, throwing it over the edge and unbuckle the belt. Completely nude you lay on your side resting on your elbow allowing the kid to look you over.

"You must be completely nude... ok, done. Male with the flag, speak your first command loudly."

He looks at you, blushing as you toy with one of your nipples.

You mouth, "Strip me!" to him.

"Huh!?" he responds,

"Tell me to strip you." you repeat.

"Ummm, strip me!" he says, not quite loud enough.

"Speak louder, please," the voice requests.

"Strip me, bitch," the boy yells. You're a bit shocked, not realising they were coached to call you that.

You crawl to him, your tits knocking about. You pull him up on his knees and pull his T-shirt over his head.

"How'd you get up here?" you ask.

"Jumped from that tree." he says, pointing.

"Oh my god, you're crazy," you smile seductively.

"you're muscular... and cute." you say touching his chest.

You pull his trouser button and fly open, realising you need to remove his shoes first. You untie his converse shoes and pull off his socks and then pull off his jeans, his boxers come down slightly and show a wisp of pubic hair.

One of the boys yells from below, "Make her suck your dick."

You pull off his boxers revealing a ridged 5 or 6 inch cock.

Before being prompted he makes his next command...

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