YWD: Tell him to look but don't touch?

From Create Your Own Story

You gently admonish him and he hastily withdraws his hand. For the rest of the trip he stares fixedly at your legs, and after a while you pull up your skirt a little more to let him see your panties. Later on, you undo a couple of buttons on your blouse and let him see your bra-covered breasts. When the bus eventually arrives at its destination, Brian thanks you profusely. You have arrived at a farm, which belongs to the parents of one of the girls at your school. This is a Geography field trip which is supposed to be teaching you about modern agricultural technologies. You disembark and meet up with the farmer, who splits you all up into groups of three. You find yourself in the same group as Daphne, the girl whose father owns the farm, and a boy called Ted. Each group is assigned a farmhand, yours being a stubble-chinned young man called Eric, whom Daphne knows quite well. Eric begins to take the three of you on an informative tour of the farm, but when your group is out of sight of all the others, Daphne pleads with Eric to let the three of you explore on your own. At first he is very reluctant, fearing for his job if something goes wrong, but she whispers in his ear and his eyes widen. Eventually he agrees, but Ted objects, saying he wants to take the tour with Eric. Daphne turns to you and asks you what you want to do. Will you:

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