Wake up feeling like a million bucks

From Create Your Own Story

You are up 2 hours before you need to be, and you feel rested, energized, and most importantly, happy. You look at yourself in the mirror and scratch your stomach. You look at yourself and see that you're still wearing your favorite pair of boxer briefs, but you see that your rendezvous with Reggie has taken a toll. You look down and rub your hand over them, unhappy with the stiffened texture around your naughty bits.

You slip your hand inside to rub across your clit giving yourself a pleasant tingle and confirming you're clean underneath, before removing your underwear and giving them a closer look. The color has dulled a bit, and without thinking, you bring it to your face and breath in a thick dose of masculine goodness. "Whoa" you let slip as you sniff harder. "These are amazing" you feel your clit harden and throb with need and you quickly get out your dildo and take care of yourself before anybody wakes up to catch you. You put the underwear on your head positioning the crotch over your face so you can keep the smell in your nostrils and keep use of both hands. You cum 3 times in less than 10 minutes, and you can't get enough of the smell.

After another strong orgasm your clit finally softens slightly. Allowing you to take off the soiled, wonderful underwear and hide them between your mattress and box spring. You're hoping to get more value out of them as you get another pair from your dresser and take them into the shower with a fresh set of clothes.

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

Skateboard, Backpack, chalk.

Status Happy, Content, Dressed
Gender Female
Social Group Skater
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