WAS:Take the quickest roads to Riverspring
From Create Your Own Story
You follow the roads to Riverspring. After a week of travel you come to the town of Riverwood. You stop at an inn in the center of town. As you go into the inn you approach the owner and request a room for the night. "It will be ten gold coins a night" the owner replies. You give him the coins for the room and then you and Corinna go sit down at an empty table. A maid brought over food for you and Corinna.
After you ate, you and Corinna went up to the room. Corina lays down on the bed and then you soon follow. You lay there and think about your feelings for Corinna. She soon rolls over and asks you to hold her. You rub her hair as you embrace her and she quickly falls asleep in your arms. You lay there for a while about how you met Corinna and your experiences together. You realize that your cock is hardening.