Tiger Calyber(Non S.T.A.R.S.)

From Create Your Own Story

A right man in the wrong place....

The time is 7.35pm and you just finished your Martial Arts training session, walking out of the building exhausted and run out of energy.

You look around, the street looks empty and you don't see anyone nearby when you hear a noise coming from the woods nearby which creep you out.

Over your right shoulder you carry your bag with the following items below

Current Equipment/Items:

- Boxing Gloves

- 2x Ellastic Bandages

- Cheap Mobile Phone

- 10$

- Your House Keys

Your Following Action:

Head to the nearest shop to grab a quick meal Ignore the noise

Investigate what the noise was Head towards the woods

Start jogging home Your CZ 75 DAO is there

Get back to the Gym Talk to the janitor that is still around there

Health: Normal

Hunger: Hungry

Weapon: None

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