The Need to Escape
From Create Your Own Story
So, you and 7 of your friends from high school are all taking a ride on the wild side, by spending 1 night in a haunted house!
"I can't believe we are actually doing this," your best friend Nick says.
"Well, it should be fun, and it'll be worth telling our kids... when we have them," Sarah , a short girl with freckles declares.
You look behind you. A tall, redheaded girl named Rita is strolling next to a guy with short blonde hair and olive skin. His name is William.
"Hey! There is the house!" you announce to the group. You all look above and there it is, 'The Old Haunted House on Baker Street'. Everyone runs up to open the door. A guy named Finley attacks the lock.
"Yes! It's open!" Finley cries.
You look behind you and notice that Rita & William aren't there!
"Ummm, you guys, Rita & William aren't here!"
You turn back around, only to find the rest of the group already in the house!