Tell her she has to drink something just as nasty
From Create Your Own Story
"If I have to drink this gross medicine, then you have to drink it too!", you yell.
She rolls her eyes and tries to dig you out of your blankets, "Don't be silly now dear, mommy's not sick."
You whine,"No! That's not fair! You have to drink it too!"
"Please honey, stop being so silly, just drink it. Mommy loves you."
"No! You have to promise to drink it!"
"Fine honey, if i drink something else would that make you happy?", she sighs as you poke your head out.
"You have to promise me!", you say, "Pinkie promise!"
She extends her pinkie and locks it with yours, sealing her deal."Yes dear, I pinkie promise."
You open your mouth wide and swallow the medicine quickly before it touches your tongue. In one gulp, you swallow the horrible concoction and wash it down with the water.
"Now your turn mommy!"