Talk to Eliot, the manager.

From Create Your Own Story

"You look on edge," you say to him as you walk up to the counter.

"Hey, skater," Eliot eyes you warily, "did they change school hours? Last I checked you should be in sixth period right now."

"I needed a break. Plus, I wanted to buy some spray paint for my board."

"So get some."

You tap your fingers on the counter. "The thing is, I spent all my money..."

Eliot rolls his eyes at you. "And here I almost thought you came just to say 'hi.'"

"I did!" You flash him a smile. "Can't I say 'hi' and ask for some cash too?"

He grumbles, looking at the clock on the wall behind him. "I gotta have a smoke, kid. Besides, my paycheck doesn't come in the mail for another week."

You look at the pack for cigarettes in his pocket. "I know you don't have second guesses about those. Come on, you know I can help you forget about smoking for a little while."

He pats his pocket, but finally concedes. "I got ten bucks today, just so you know."

Ten? The last time he paid you twenty, and you didn't even let him cum on your face. It still made up for the beers you bought, but it wasn't as much as you were expecting. But you know he's lying. No way he could last a week with just ten bucks. You just had to figure out how to get him to fork up a little more cash.

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

Skate Board, Backpack and Notebook, Brown Windbreaker, erotic drawing, beers and soda

Status horny
Gender Female
Social Group Skater
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