TPOW make up an excuse to tell Ali

From Create Your Own Story

"Um," You stammer trying to think up a believable story. "You dislocated your ankle was all. All it took was a little pressure to pop it back in to place."
"But it doesn't hurt at all," Ali responds not sounded the lease bit convinced.
"Once it pops back in to place it won't hurt anymore," you try to convince her. Ali opens her mouth as if to argue with you but her eyes suddenly widen as she realizes you are no longer looking at her face but are plainly staring at her perky little tits.
"YOU PERV," Ali screams out as she slams the shower door shut. Your mind begins to race. What if Ali tells her dad that you were staring at her naked in the shower? He could easily get you thrown out of school and could probably even get you thrown in jail if he found out.
"I, I'm sorry," you mumble apologetically and turn to leave before you make a bad situation worse. You feel foolish for being so blatantly obvious about checking Ali but when you reach the bathroom door Ali suddenly starts speaking very fast.
"I shouldn't have yelled at you. That wasn't very nice of me. I mean, you did fix my ankle and all whether you'll admit it or not. Whatever you did worked. And its not exactly like I was trying to keep myself hidden. You know? I just sort of forgot in my surprise. What I'm trying to say is," Ali slides the shower door back open revealing her naked body to you once again and stares downward shyly, "I don't really mind if you see me naked."

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Health 100 Equipment:

Cell Phone, Wallet

MP 50
Level 1
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