TPM: Time to plan your next move. (advance the plot)
From Create Your Own Story
You leave Zuliana there while you go off to plan your escape from Tattione. When Qui-Gon returns and finds out what you've done you will be banished from the Jedi Order. Strangely though, your new emotional state gives you clear insight and you don't feel fear, guilt, or anguish. Only an emotional detachment. Zuliana and your legacy are all that matters to you now. That being said, you need to get off this planet now. As you approach the cockpit, you look out the viewport and notice a Sand Crawler passing by. Rushing outside, you flag them down and begin a conversation with the head Jawa trader.
In minutes, you've traded 1 blue-colored R2 unit for a working hyperdrive, although one that is not nearly as fast the broken one. After installing it, you disable the homing beacon and any other way that the ship could be tracked. Then you go to the cockpit and fire up the engines. Within a few more minutes, you are in orbit around the planet. You briefly consider your options about forgotten places where you could flee to hide from the Jedi.
TPM: Head to Belsavis (Sith Sorcerer story)
TPM: Head to Moraband (Apprentice to Darth Bane/Sidious story)
TPM: Head to Dromund Kaas (Prophet of the Dark Side story)
TPM: Head to Voss (Way of Balance story)
TPM: Head to Oricon (Sith Conqueror story)
TPM: Head to Tython (Sith Technobeastmaster story)
Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga |
Character: |
Obi-Wan Kenobi |
Setting: |
The Phantom Menace |