Stay still and let Price have her way with you

From Create Your Own Story

You sit still. Price is reaching for something when the sound of gunfire echoes down the hallway. It rapidly gets closer.

You let out a feminine yelp of pure terror as you hear thuds that can only be falling bodies. The door bursts open and a bloody corpse flies through it, hitting Price and knocking her to the floor. About six more bodies, all dressed in military or police uniforms, follow in rapid succession.

Five massive black men, all with shaved heads and covered in gang tattoos, burst into the room. One of them hoses Price with a clip of machine-gun bullets, mercifully ending her life. You have a feeling a worse fate awaits you and Michelle.

"Are you the one who broke Tyrone out of prison?" one of them, presumably the leader, asks. Unable to speak, you simply nod.

"Is she a friend of yours?" he asks, pointing his eyes at Michelle. You nod again.

The door bursts open and a bespectacled soldier, not Anthony, appears. "What the hell is going on?" he yells, pointing a machine-pistol at the gang.

His answer is a hail of bullets from four additional black guys who were presumably hiding in the corridor. The soldier barely avoids getting hit as Lieutenant Mallory pushes him out of the way.

"We need to move, Colonel!" she shouts. You see the two soldiers fleeing down the hallway.

One of the black guys hacks off the limbs of every corpse in the room and dices the torsos into small bloody pieces.

You hear a voice inside your head from the guy with the machete: "Don't bother trying to shift into us. We're all taken."

Before the black men can move, you hear the rapid pounding of footsteps and an entire unit of military police begin firing at the black men. They return fire. People are diving for any sort of cover. You close your eyes and wait. 45 of the longest seconds ever pass before the noise subsides.

You look up. The entire unit of MPs is wiped out. Just two of the black guys are left. That would explain the seven whooshing noises you heard in your mind as the seven other demonic spirits shot out to find new hosts. Strangely, they all seem to heading towards the same direction.

The leader and another black man stand up, apparently unharmed. "I'm `Killer' Jenkins, Tyrone's best friend, and this is Odell Rogers," he says.

Two shots ring out and Killer and Odell fall. Standing behind them, are Mallory and the bespectacled soldier. Both appear to be exhausted and covered in blood.

The two survivors aim their weapons at you and Michelle. They turn their heads to each other and nod right before their guns go off.

Returning to Hell, you find yourself in a steel cage with Michelle and nine other demonic spirits. In front of you stands Anthony, with a red-skinned girl by his side.

Below you is a burning inferno.

"What was that?" Anthony asks the spirits trapped in the cage. "Were you trying to take me out? Overthrow me? I guess it doesn't matter what you hoped to accomplish. You all need to be punished."

All the spirits scream in horror as he pulls a lever, lowering the cage into the molten lava.

Your screams are cut off as fire consumes your entire body...

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