Serenity: swing her sword harder.

From Create Your Own Story

Title: Serenity the novice

Health: 70 Gold: 45 Active effects: Bleeding!

Location: The sewers COMBAT!

Serenity's blood was flying and mixing on the with the rats blood on the cold and wet stone floor as the battle continues. Screaming out loud, Serenity feels a sharp pain down at her thigh were a rat clamps onto her leg and chews hard.

Serenity is now Bleeding!

Driving her sword straight through the chubby rat that was gnawing on her leg, it lets out a dying squeal as it is penetrated and releases its clamping jaw from Serenity's leg. Leaving a trail of blood as she continues to walk backwards, Serenity leaves an onslaught of rats that was dying down in numbers.

Serenity: swing her sword even harder!

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