Serenity: move on

From Create Your Own Story

Title: Serenity the novice

Health: 100 Gold: 50 Active effects: None

Location: The sewers

This is getting too far out of the ordinary. It is best to avoid any kind of possible conflict that Serenity may engage. She was here to do one job and she intends to do it.

Marching down the dimly lit tunnels of the sewers, the scratching of claws intensify as Serenity gets closer. Taking out her sword, a sharp "shing!" noise echoes through the dark halls making Serenity squeeze her face in anxious manner. The water running past the stone path splashes dirty liquid onto her feet. Serenity takes no notice of the wetness running though the fabric and onto her feet, she couldn't let her guard down and focus on her feet being wet in sewer water.

It wasn't long until the scratching noise of claws is drowned in subtle squeaks of rats infesting the tunnels. It is until now that Serenity meets a corner, she knows what awaits her on the other side, but is she ready to confront the critters?

Serenity: engage the rats

Serenity: turn around

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